Monday, August 12, 2024






AUGUST 12th, 2012






Good morning God


Good morning

How are you

I am fine

Thanks to you


Good morning God


Thank you for another day                                                                           

I owe it all to you

I appreciate my life

I appreciate your love

I look forward

To seeing where you take me to today

Both old places

And new


Good morning God


I look forward to today’s sunshine

Or even its rain

I look forward to today’s adventures

To today’s pleasures

Or even-today’s pain


Good morning God


I look forward to another day

Of spending it with you


Good morning God


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “And there was evening-and there was MORNING

             The first day”                                                                  Genesis 1:5


            “In the MORNING-O Lord-you hear my voice

             In the MORNING-I lay my requests before you

             And wait in expectation”                                                 Psalm 5:3


            “I-JESUS-have sent my angel to give you

             This testimony for the churches

             I am the Root and the Offspring of David

             And the bright MORNING STAR”                            Revelations 22:16


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